3 Questions to know if your online store is ready for The Holidays

Abed Fleifel

Check if your online store is prepared for the Holiday season.

3 Questions to know if your online store is ready for The Holidays

The Holiday Shopping Season is upon us, merchants and customers alike couldn’t be more excited about it. Everyone is searching for the perfect gift for their family, friends, and loved ones, and they’ll be shopping from the store that offers the best shopping experience. We have 3 questions for you to ask yourself to see if your online store is ready for The Holidays and able to provide the best shopping experience for your customers based on their interests and personality. 

Is my Website ready for The Holidays? 

Customer Insight and previous Holiday Website Performance

Understanding your target audience and customers before preparing your online store for The Holidays is key. What drives your customers to buy more? What is something they find annoying on your website? These questions and more can be answered by analyzing the customer data on your website and social media channels. Necessary integrations like Google Analytics can help you retain your customers’ information, activity, and preferences, easily. Use previous holiday sales reports as well to understand what worked most for your store to optimize it this Holiday season.

Website Traffic Optimization

Experiencing lags and crashes on your website during the holiday season is very frequent due to the high order volume and traffic online stores experience. The fact that many people want to take orders from you is a good sign, however, you should be prepared to negate the negative effects this brings on you. Make sure to contact your website provider beforehand to learn all the techniques and ways to prevent this from happening or what to do if it actually does.

Website Holiday Theme 

Like when retail stores are decorated using flashy lights and crystal balls you should give your website the Holiday feel and look. You can adjust your banners, buttons, and product pictures to feature the Holiday theme that would excite your customers and put them in a cheerful mood when shopping on your website. Moreover, you can take advantage of new app integrations available like adding Labels and Badges to your products. This feature will allow you to separate your products based on prices and categories highlighting your discounts, deals, and gift packages. 

Is my Marketing Strategy ready for The Holidays? 

Marketing Campaign Themes and Messaging

Holiday online campaigns and ads are an attractive thing now. People nowadays wait for the best Holiday offer and promotion to prepare them for the Holiday shopping season. Design social media visuals and ads that represent what the Holidays are all about. With all the clutter and traffic online, your content and visuals must attract your customers’ attention while cutting through the noise and standing out. All customer data generated through the ads on your website can then be collected, analyzed, and used to retarget those that interacted with the ads using the Facebook Pixel integration, which will help you optimize your ads. 

Targeted Marketing Campaigns

The days of a one message marketing campaign that reaches all your audience are over. Customers these days expect very specific targeted messages that address their interests and needs. Create different social media campaigns to target the different customers you have on multiple platforms. Maybe the young audience you have is more active on Instagram than Twitter, then the content used on Instagram must have a different style and tone to speak your target’s language to maximize your intended conversions. Moreover, and to improve your SEO (Search engine optimization) efforts, use keywords most searched by your audience to resonate with them, this will drive traffic to your website and make your ads more visible.  

Remarketing Campaigns

Take advantage of the significantly increased traffic if you don't have an email list yet or it's too little. Email list creation has never been more critical, despite the growth of social media and search engine marketing, particularly when it comes to turning website visitors into buyers. A perfect way to create a successful email list is onsite remarketing. You can easily organize the emails of your website’s visitors by integrating your store with solutions like Mailchimp, SendGrid, or Mailerlite. Collecting email addresses requires you to offer your guests discounts and rewards. An efficient way to create your email list is also to provide free ebooks and guides that interest your website visitors. 

Is my Customer Service ready for The Holidays? 

Visitors will reach out to you even more frequently during the holiday season. They may want to know the delivery time, models available, or specific questions about the products. That's why you should emphasize your customer service on your website and social media pages and make sure that any customer requests are always answered at all times. This can be done either by integrating your website with Whatsapp or providing a live chat feature on your website directly,  it has never been easier for your customers to ask questions and put in orders. You should also update your FAQs, Guides, and Tutorials beforehand to make sure that every aspect of the purchasing process is covered.


Having a successful Holiday season eases your brand’s transition to the new year and will make customers remember you. I hope answering these 3 questions will help optimize your online business to create a seamless online shopping experience for all of your customers and targeted audience.

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