5 Ways You Can Decrease Distraction to Increase Conversion

Renée Aoun

Simplify your website’s front-end to make it more user-friendly.

5 Ways You Can Decrease Distraction to Increase Conversion

Distraction is almost the antonym of conversion in online retail. When customers are repeatedly distracted, they will eventually lose interest. There are so many easy ways to make your website sharper and simpler. Below are five things you need to pay attention to minimize that distraction:

  • Clear and Simple Layout

A clean cut design is one of the most effective ways in which you can minimize distraction. Of course, it’s important to include plenty of graphics and visual aids on your website, but one too many elements can crowd your web page and lead your visitor astray. Most e-commerce websites use a white background because it is inevitable that product images and pages will have plenty of colors. This is why it is important to balance them out with the ever-so-elegant white. If white is not compatible with your brand identity, consider other calm colors for the background.

  • Navigation

Online shoppers can easily browse ten shops at once. Whether they are looking for something specific or just searching through your products for something they might like, navigation is key. How will they find that mind-blowing t-shirt from last season? Different sections and different collections can be pretty complicated for first-time browsers. It’s crucial to have a clear division of your website. Draw the skeleton of your website by dividing your navigation structure into two main divisions: primary and secondary. Your primary menu should include the important pages of your products like main categories, collections, sales page, about us and/or store locator. Your secondary menu might include content pages of the website such as shipping , return and exchange policies, FAQ… Other menus on your website like the submenu could be used for organization and promotions.

  • Use Visual Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is the graphic differentiation of elements based on their importance. A simple example would be bigger and bolder fonts for titles and subtitles. These days graphic designers are coming up with a million different ways of differentiating content. To highlight one element over the other, you can tamper with the font or typeface, the ordering of different layers on top of one another, different hues and colors, and, of course, resizing different elements.

  • Calls to Action

Never, ever, in your life, include too many calls to action on the same page! Call-to-action, as its name suggests, asks your visitor to take an action whether buy a product, sign up or anything else you can think about. If you have one too many, your prospect will be distracted from clicking on one by the other. And in most cases, you will end up with even fewer conversions than if you had only a few CTAs. Experts claim that each page should have no more than one call to action- the chosen one! Limiting your customer’s options seems to be better than providing them with a ton of confusing buttons. Differentiate your CTAs by using brighter colors and/or different fonts. However, avoid using red because it is generally acknowledged as a warning color and is usually associated with negative connotations.

  • Pop-ups

Let’s be honest and say that pop-ups are annoying to all- unless they’re offering you something! Do not distract your customers with too many pop-ups or even animations or moving objects on your web pages. Keep these elements down to a minimum and make sure your customer has something to gain from clicking on your pop-up because otherwise, they-will-not-click! Offer them a price reduction that automatically adds the discounted items to their carts once clicked. Be consistent and focused. Too many pop-ups will make your visitor dismiss your website altogether.

Our attention spans are getting shorter and shorter with time. Websites need to adapt to that and cater for their visitors’ needs. Incidentally, too many distractions on a web page can lead to severe losses. Simplicity and clarity guarantee a better user experience and therefore, more conversions.

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